Pressing Matter- Licensed Massage Therapy LIC #NV8875

ABMP Member Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
Reno, NV. 89509
"My daily goal is to provide: Simple, Soothing, Soulful, Solace one hour at a time."
About Brandi
Brandi Goodson is a graduate of the Bodhi Tree Center for Healing Arts in Carson City, NV who found her niche in massage by combining styles that felt more nurturing, soothing and attentive like Myofascial, Positional & SLOW Tensional Releases, light stretching, and even a little Acupressure.
She is very drawn to and enjoy using techniques that allow for the outside world to slow down and give real moments of pause to "listen" to the client's body. The energy all around us can be overwhelming on a good day and she enjoys harnessing that energy to help ground her clients and bring a little "Solace" into their daily lives.
She's "been there"... having lived for years with debilitating chronic pain from muscles that were no longer cooperating and starting to atrophy.
That experience as well as the idea that she could learn techniques that could potentially help her son calm his anxiety, sleep better and focus easier while on his journey living with Autism is ultimately what led her into the Healing Arts and is what allows her to truly connect with her clients.
Brandi has always felt a connection to the energy around her in the world. Born and raised in one of the most beautiful and energetic areas of Montana she remembers that, "even as kids we were very much aware of the energy from Mother Nature as well as the energy between us."
"To be a part of another persons wellness journey in life is a privilege." - Brandi